Borgata Summer Poker Open 2018 Results

  • Borgata Summer Poker Open 2018. July 10-27, 2018. Fall Poker Open Blog. $100,000 GUARANTEED SATURDAY SERIES. October 28, 2017. $350 Buy-In + $50 Entry.
  • The 2018 Borgata Poker Open came to a close in the early morning hours of Saturday morning when the 21st BPO trophy found a new home. Erkut ‘Eric’ Yilmaz About eight hours earlier, Erkut Yilmaz took 1st place in the Championship event, along with $575,112 and both BPO and WPT Champions Cup trophies.
  1. Spring Poker Open Borgata 2020
  2. Borgata Summer Poker Open 2018 Results
  3. Borgata Poker News

The June 2018 DeepStacks Challenge Series was a huge success. The schedule of 13 events over 13 days carried $330,000 in guarantees, all of which were well covered. There were also some noteworthy accomplishments during this series.

Mickey Carr became the first player to win two events during a single DeepStacks Challenge Series, winning Events 1 and 8. Chuck Bryant became the first known player to win the same event in back-to-back years (Event 2, $125+$25 Deep Stack NLH). Julie Fine is the first woman to take 1st place in a DeepStacks Challenge event since October of 2016.

Borgata Poker Blog; Nitelife. Premier Nightclub; Gypsy Bar. Band Schedule; Specials; All Bars. Summer Poker Open Results. Event 15 BORGATA SUMMER POKER OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP July 22-26, 2018 BUY-IN: $2,500 + $200 ENTRIES: 627 TOTAL BUY. Call it whatever you want, but there’s no denying that this week’s action on the felt at was impressive. Over the course of the week, we saw players cash for tens of thousands in dollars across a number of big tourneys, including our big $35k Guaranteed event on Sunday, our nightly $10k Guaranteed, and a pair of tourneys that can only be described as Mega.

Here are all the June 2018 DSC winners:

Congratulations to all our winners and thank you to all participants. Thanks to all the Borgata dealers and staff for a terrific series. We hope to see you all back here in a couple of weeks for the Borgata Summer Poker Open. The next DeepStacks Challenge Series has not yet been announced, but is expected to take place in August. Until then, we return you to your regularly scheduled Borgata Daily Tournaments.

$350+$50 Deepest Stack NLH
$50,000 Guaranteed

Total Entries: 177

After about 16 and a half hours of play, it was finally over. The final hand was won by Harry Weingord, who takes 1st place and his first tournament title, $17,726, an the coveted ‘Baby Borgata’ trophy. Harry, who is from Ft. Lee, New Jersey, works in Financial Services, so he’ll know what to do with his winnings.

Needless to say, this is his best live cash and first reported tournament win. Harry’s actually thinking he might go to Vegas, or better yet, skip Vegas and come back to Borgata in a couple of weeks for the Summer Poker Open.

The final event of the June 2018 DeepStacks Challenge Series drew 177 entrants and was one of only two events in the series to play to conclusion. The prize pool of $60,092 was paid out to the final 18 players.

Final Results

1Harry Weingord$17,726
2Jason Morman$9,915
3Kenny Han$6,009
4Vito Deleonibus$4,807
5Rick Rossetti$3,606
6Carlos Alvarado$3,005
7Justin Brown$2,404
8Matt Pomponio$1,803
9Kevin Tran$1,352
10Antonio Walker$1,202
11Mark DeFelice$1,202
12Jeremy Barnett$1,202
13Richard Silverberg$1,052
14Mark Krugel$1,052
15David Gerken$1,052
16John D. Kim$901
17Freddy Peralta$901
18Sathwik Narayan$901

$350+$50 Deepest Stack NLH
$50,000 Guaranteed

Level 29: Blinds 50,000/100,000/100,000 BB Ante
Total Entries: 177

Heads-up play did not last very long.

They limped to a flop of and Jason Morman checked, Harry Weingord bet 200,000, then Jason shoved for just under 2 million.

Harry took a few seconds, then called, showing for top pair. Jason had for the flush draw.

The board completed with giving Harry the pot with trip Queens.

Jason Morman finished in 2nd place, earning $9,915, which becomes his best live cash.

Harry Weingord takes 1st place, $17,726, and the ‘Baby Borgata’ trophy, his first ever.


$350+$50 Deepest Stack NLH
$50,000 Guaranteed

Level 29: Blinds 50,000/100,000/100,000 BB Ante
Total Entries: 177
Players Remaining: 2
Average Stack: 3.5 million

Spring Poker Open Borgata 2020

Kenny Han got all-in holding against Harry Weingord, who had . The board came Q T 6 2 4 and Harry took the pot with a pair of Queens.

Kenny took 3rd place and $6,009.

Heads-up play is underway. Harry Weingord has 5,075,000 to Jason Morman’s 2,005,000.

$350+$50 Deepest Stack NLH
$50,000 Guaranteed

Level 28: Blinds 40,000/80,000/80,000 BB Ante
Total Entries: 177
Players Remaining: 3
Average Stack: 2.36 million

Kenny Han opened for 250,000 and Vito Deleonibus (sb) moved in for 775,000 total. Kenny called, showing . Vito’s needed help.

The board ran out and Kenny took the pot. Vito took 4th place and $4,807.

Chip counts for the final three:

Harry Weingord – 2,855,000
Jason Morman – 2,155,000
Kenny Han – 2,045,000

Play continues….

$350+$50 Deepest Stack NLH
$50,000 Guaranteed

Level 28: Blinds 40,000/80,000/80,000 BB Ante
Total Entries: 177
Players Remaining: 4
Average Stack: 1.4 million

The final five players have been pushing chips around the felt for most of this level, with no significant fireworks, until now.

Rick Rossetti moved in for 640,000 and got a call from Jason Morman in the big blind. Rick’s needed help against Jason’s .

The runout of K J 6 Q 8 missed Rick completely and he was felted in 5th place, earning $3,606.

Jason is getting close to 2 million.

Harry Weingord is the chip leader with ~3 million.

$350+$50 Deepest Stack NLH
$50,000 Guaranteed

Level 27: Blinds 30,000/60,000/60,000 BB Ante
Total Entries: 177
Players Remaining: 5
Average Stack: 1.4 million

Carlos Alvarado got his short-stack in good with pocket Aces against Kenny Han’s JT. Kenny flopped a straight draw which completed on the turn to take the pot. He’s up to about 1.3 million.

Carlos busted out in 6th place, earning $3,005. This is his third cash of the series. After finishing 18th in Event 5, he came back the next night and took 2nd place in Event 6 for $11,365. Not a bad series for Carlos!

$350+$50 Deepest Stack NLH
$50,000 Guaranteed

Level 27: Blinds 30,000/60,000/60,000 BB Ante
Total Entries: 177
Players Remaining: 6
Average Stack: 1.2 million

Harry Weingord opened for 175,000 from the hijack, then Justin Brown (sb) 3-bet all-in. Harry called all-in for 475,000 total holding pocket Queens. Justin tabled .

The runout of 7 6 3 4 Q sent the double-up to Harry, who’s stacking just over 1 million.

Justin was all-in soon after holding A8 offsuit against Rick Rossetti’s . Rick flopped a King, turned a Ten, and took the rest of Justin’s chips. Rick’s just over 1 million as well.

Justin finished in 7th place, earning $2,404.

$350+$50 Deepest Stack NLH
$50,000 Guaranteed

Level 26: Blinds 25,000/50,000/50,000 BB Ante
Total Entries: 177
Players Remaining: 7
Average Stack: 1 million

Carlos Alvarado opened from the cutoff and got a call from Harry Weingord in the big blind. On the flop of , Harry checked, Carlos bet 105,000, Harry jammed and Carlos snapped, tabling for two pair. Harry had for the open-ended straight-draw.

Borgata Summer Poker Open 2018 Results

The board finished with the and the and Carlos improved to a full boat. He doubled up to ~1.3 million. Harry was left with ~500,000.


$350+$50 Deepest Stack NLH
$50,000 Guaranteed

Level 26: Blinds 25,000/50,000/50,000 BB Ante
Total Entries: 177
Players Remaining: 7
Average Stack: 1 million

In a battle of the blinds, Harry Weingord (sb) had pocket 6s against Matt Pomponio’s (bb) A3. Matt failed to connect with the board and was felted. He’ll collect $1,803 for 8th place.

Borgata Poker News

Harry chipped up to about 1.4 million.